About PD Rijn- en Binnenvaart
Our organisation “Staff and Services” specializes in mediating and selecting Rhine and Inland waterway staff from all EU countries, involved in all sailing channels and rivers in Europe.
Mediation & selection of experienced, professional and highly trained staff
We have been specialized is an organization, that in the mediating and select experience high trained from, professional and personnel for the Rhine and Inland Navigation. If trustworthy intermediary for our relation partners offer we personnel out Romania and the Netherlands on. Furthermore we furnish also Rhine speed Steward and flight Attendants for your Cruises chips (passengers ship).
The question to experience Rhine and Inland Navigation personnel is large and we can always as well Dutch as Romanian personnel in the question foresee. All the Romanian candidates from our truce are in the possession of the right papers and a valid service bow for the Rhine and inland Navigation.

Staff & Service has been connected by the Office Inland Navigation Rotterdam, member of the Inland Navigation paper and we work together with various Romanian inland navigation societies. With this short introduction want we your work more easily make and security give in the situations when you, before your Ship or shipping Company, on seek are to personnel with all skills that you wish.
A large advantage is can become also, that the personnel out Romania set-in for long periods, for instance 1 month on and 1 month off, and that offer ease and continuity for the Masters and shipping Companies.
PD Rijn-en Binnenvaart is all known in the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Italy en Romania.